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Want to know more? | a little about us


We are a non-profit guinea pig rescue. Most of our guinea pigs come from atrocious and questionable backgrounds. We cannot guarantee that they are pure-bred. Unless they are born at the rescue we cannot guarantee their date-of-birth. With over 200 guinea pigs needing to be looked after at any one time, we do not have the time, staff or resources to be able to create paperwork (such as vet records, weekly weights, backgrounds) for each guinea pig. As our guinea pigs are NOT to be used for breeding and we cannot guarantee any of their backgrounds, this should not cause new guinea pig parents any problems. We know every guinea pig that stays with us and are able to let you know each guinea pigs basic history and background (as far as we know it.)

We offer FREE advice regarding your guinea pigs and encourage you to ask us questions.
Many of the guinea pigs that arrive at the rescue are pregnant or suffering from an ailment or disability and quite often malnutrition. Pregnant piggies are well cared for until, and during, their babies' arrival and the babies are looked after until they are found homes. All piggies have their ailments treated. This can be anything from a series of baths with treatment shampoos to cure skin ailments, to several visits to our vets for injections and/or a course of antibiotics. Long-haired piggies, which often arrive at the rescue with dirty, matted coats, have their coats trimmed and are bathed and groomed. All piggies have their nails trimmed.

Sadly, some piggies have not been handled by their previous owners and can be frightened of people. All piggies at the rescue are 'cuddled' frequently and soon enjoy human contact but also require time and effort and may take a few days to settle in.

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